Buy green coffee online!
Welcome to our B2B online shop for exceptional specialty coffees.
We’re dedicated to sourcing and trading green coffee from the most interesting origins. We trust in our long-term relationships with our coffee farmers and cooperatives to find the most outstanding cups. Elevate your green coffee purchasing to the next level!
100 % quality
with all products
Since 1906
Coffee lover
+ 30 origins
especially for you
Specialty coffees from all over the world
Regarding to Q-Standards, coffees with 80+ points are to be declared as specialty coffees. But modern coffee trading is far beyond. We are talking about cup profiles, traceability back to the farmer or producer and, of course, sustainability.

we care about quality
On a daily basis we cup our arrival, pre-shipment samples or offers according to SCA standards. In the team, we evaluate these coffees to be able to answer our customers´questions and to offer you the perfect cup of coffee.
- Fairtrade
- Organic
Coffee Origins
Discover the origins of our green coffees
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