


Classification for green beans in order to identify their size and quality (not taste). Differentiates among different origins.


Acidity is a naturally occurring taste feature within a cup of coffee which highlights its complexity. It is crucial when grading coffee professionally. Also refer to Cupping.


Every coffee that is listed as „afloat“ on our price list is currently in transit from origin to Hamburg.


A lasting scent- and taste-feel which you can experience after drinking or cupping brewed coffee.

African Drying Beds

Are used for drying coffees waist high and help the constant ventilation due to the perforated surface their on.


The altitude at which coffee is being cultivated.

Anaerobic Process

In general, anaerobic per definition includes the condition „without oxygen“. In coffee processing, anaerobic fermentation includes adding depulped coffee cherries into a fermentation – tank without oxygen. The duration of this process varies heavily with regard to the results a farmer wishes to achieve.


An abbreviation for „American Preparation“ which indicates a quality of a coffee which allows a maximum of 23 defects in 300g green coffee. Also see EP.


The most common and well known coffee variety worldwide. Arabica contains less caffeine compared to robusta and also grows at higher altitudes.


Aroma can be identified through smelling freshly brewed coffee. It is a crucial indicator when grading coffee professionally. Also refer to cupping.


From the latin word adstringere (to contract). Something that is considered astringent is an unpleasant feature which usually can be identified as a dry mouthfeel. Its cause has multiple origins, from poor green bean preparation at origin to poor roasting.



A Spanish term referring to a washing station or wet mill. These stations are used to further process coffee cherries by depulping them and preparing them for the next steps.


Body can be explained by the taste you identify after having tasted a freshly brewed coffee – the taste which remains in your mouth after the coffee is swallowed. Body is used to describe the intensity and severity of coffee. It is crucial to grade coffee professionally. Also refer to cupping.


Carbon Dioxide Process (CO2)

A process for decaffeinating coffees using CO2 (carbon dioxide). The green beans are being decaffeinated by pressure and liquid carbon dioxide. The remaining caffeine has to within EU regulations which are at 0.1%. Coffee usually contains around 1.5 – 3% caffeine.


A glass carafe for pour overs. The so called Chemex was designed by the German chemist Peter Schlumbohm in 1941. He wanted to create an everyday but good-looking coffee brewing experience.

Cup of Excellence (COE)

The „Cup of Excellence“ is the most prestigious award in specialty coffee and awarded through the Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE).  In this competition, every origin sends in their best coffees which are then cupped by first a national and then an international jury. The national winners are then sold through an online auction. Read more on

Cup Profile

Describes the different characteristics of a cup of coffee.


Cupping is the term used for a professional tasting session in which coffee is analyzed. It takes place in three steps. 1. The smelling of the freshly ground coffee. 2. The brewing of the coffee in which the upper crust is broken after four minutes to reveal the first aromas. 3. The removal of leftover foam and multiple tastings of the brewed coffee. During the last step, coffee is analyzed for aromas, taste directions and sensors. Cupping, therefore, requires a specific standard in water quality, temperature, roasting degree, grind and extracting time to be able to guarantee a consistent and professional evaluation.


Dichlormethan Process (DCM)

In this process, green beans are soaked in a dichloromethane mix within which caffeine is being extracted from the beans. The remaining caffeine has to within EU regulations which are at 0.1%. Coffee usually contains around 1.5 – 3% caffeine.


Decaffeinated green beans. These beans have been exposed to either CO2, Swiss Water Process or dichloromethane in order to extract the caffeine.


A defect is a feature within coffee beans which does not meet the quality control standards. Its occurrence is complex and can happen at origin, during processing, transport, storage or roasting. There are different defect categories. Primary defects are (among others) black beans or foreign matter whereas secondary defects are (among others) pergaminos.

Dry Mill

At the dry mill the outer shell of the coffee bean (pergamino) is being removed during the so called dry hulling. By then the cherry has its pulp removed and has been dried for a while. This is the second to last step before it is ready to be shipped. Only sorting the beans is left.



A plastic bag developed specifically to be included within the Jute bag in which coffee is usually transported. This guarantees a longer lasting freshness of the green bean. Find out more at


Estate identifies coffees on our list which are from an estate at origin which garantuees a higher traceability. You can find all our Estate coffees on our weekly pricelist.


An abbreviation for estimated time of arrival which is used to give an indication on when our coffee arrives in Hamburg.


An abbreviation for „European Preparation“ which indicates that the coffee has been sorted more thoroughly than an AP coffee. A 300g samples is only allowed to have 5 defects within this preparation.



A certification and organization which aims to improve the trading conditions for cooperatives at different origins. Find more at


An abbreviation for Free Carrier which is an incoterm used to indicate that the costs are transferred from the seller to buyer once the goods are loaded on the agreed carrier.


The abbreviation for Free on Board. The seller has to load the goods onto the agreed carrier (in this case the cargo ship) at the agreed harbor. The seller also covers all cost up until the goods are on the ship. Risks and costs are then transferred to the buyer. Also refer to incoterms.


Our abbreviation for Fairtrade Organic.

Fully Washed

A process in which coffee cherries are depulped and fermented in pools full of water. The fermentation can take from 12 up to 36 hours. Lactic acid bacteria eat the mucilage. Afterwards the coffee is dried.



Grading can mean 2 things: 1) Grading to identify the beansize through a perforated screen. A screen size 18 will let beans of that size pass whereas a screensize 16 would hold these. Even numbers are for Arabica screen size and uneven numbers for robusta. 2) Grading can also be a term used during cuppings.


A plastic bag developed specifically to be included within the Jute bag in which coffee is usually transported. This guarantees a longer lasting freshness of the green bean. Find out more at


Hard Bean (HB)

The abbreviation hard bean is a synonym for high grown (HG) and defines coffees grown at 900 – 1200 masl. Beans that grow at higher altitudes develop and mature slower which makes them harder and denser than those grown at a lower altitude.

High Grown (HG)

The abbreviation hard bean is a synonym for high grown (HG) and defines coffees grown at 900 – 1200 masl which is commonly used in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. In these origins it is used to identify quality.

Honey Process

Semi Washed, pulped natural and honey process are terms used to describe a certain processing method which has nothing to do with actual honey. This processing method was develop around 16 years ago in Costa Rica. Farmers used to compare the slimy and sticky liquid which is attached to the bean to honey. After the cherry is being depulped it is being dried out in the sun. The parchment skin and mucilage remain on the bean while being in the sun and constantly moved which helps avoiding overfermentation. Through osmosis sugars are able to make their way into the bean which adds intense sweetness.



Incoterms are regulations for international trading contracts. They are defined by the international chamber of commerce and are used when transporting goods. Also refer to FCA or FOB.


Mission Red

Mission red is a label created by us to make it easier for clients to identify outstanding coffees. These distinguish themselves from others by either their cup profile or their SCA scoring which is higher than 86 points. However, these coffees are also special as they are exotic within their original origin profile either due to different processing or variety. The label aims to help you identify these coffees easier on our price list.


Microlot has 2 meanings. On the one hand it stands for coffees that are only available in small quantities. On the other it is a label created by us to help you identify coffees with a scoring above 84 points on our price list easier. We do not select these coffees by processing but by the amazing cup quality. The label is given to coffees upon arrival in Hamburg and can be found in our weekly pricelist.

Monsooned Coffee

Unwashed arabica or robusta from the indian coast of Malabar. Coffee beans are stored in special warehouses which are open to let the monsoon winds in. Through this process the coffee beans become faded and mild without great acidity in taste.


A slime layer between the cherry and the parchment.



Natural is a processing method which is also referred to as unwashed. The ripe and freshly picked cherries are laid out in the sun to dry. They have to moved constantly to avoid overfermentation. Afterwards cherry are milled which results in an incredibly sweet cup.


Our newsletter is send every Monday and include up to date prices, sales and information regarding our beans. Furthermore we also send information on events and news through our newsletter.



Countries in which coffee is cultivated.


Organic refers to coffee which has been cultivated under certain conditions and certifications.



A coffee variety which is known for it‘s size. A hybrid from Pacas and Maragogype which is prominent in El Salvador.


1) The skin which surrounds the bean and the silver skin.
2) A washed Robusta from India.

Past Crop

Coffee from a older crop.


Peaberry is a cherry which, in comparison to regular cherries, only has one round bean inside. This phenomenon happens naturally and has no effect on quality or flavor.

Pick up

There is no problem in picking up your goods yourself at our warehouse with Schwarze & Consorten in Hamburg. Just send us an email at info[at] and we will send you the necessary documents which you need to print and have with you while picking up your order.


Refers to coffee from one plantation. Washed india Arabica are also referred to as plantations.

Pulped Natural

Semi-Dry, Honey Process or Semi Washed processed coffees, are also called pulped natural. Parchment skin and mucilage remain on the bean while being dried out in the sun. Through osmosis sugars are able to make their way into the bean, which adds intense sweetness.


Pulp of the coffee cherry.


Pulping refers to the process of removing the pulp from the cherry. The cherry is being squeezed which leads to a separation of the cherry from the bean (inside the parchment).


On our pricelist you’ll find our up to date green been offers and more information on these. After registrating for our newsletter you’ll receive this list every Monday.


Processing can be understood as the crucial step after harvesting the cherries. There are different processing methods which lead to different results such as fully washed, honey or anaerobic fermentation.



A person which is qualified through the CQi to grade coffees according to SCA regulations.


Quakers are underdeveloped beans which are almost invisible to the naked eye when they are still green. Once roasted, quakers are bright beans, lighter than the rest of the roasted batch and taste differently. They should be removed from the batch.


Most Latin-American countries use this as a form of measurement. One quintal equals 45,4kg.


Rainforest Alliance

A certification and organization that works to preserve biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods. More at


“Regionals” is a Rehm & Co. internal certification for selected coffees from one region, with a specific and clear cup profile for the area. The basis for many blends, but also pure recommended. The label will be awarded internally upon the arrival of the coffee and should help you to find outstanding coffee in our assortment easier. Our Regionals excellent coffee can be found on our current price list.


Robusta is, compared to Arabica, the less known and less cultivated coffee plant. Robusta contains twice as much caffeine as Arabica, grows at lower altitudes and is more resistant to diseases and pests. Robusta coffees taste very strong and are therefore often used as the basis for many blends.



Semi-dried, honey process and pulped natural coffee is also called semi-washed. Unlike fully washed coffees, this coffee is spread out to dry directly after having been de-pulped, without being washed. Parchment and mucilage therefore, stick to the bean. This remaining sweet pulp will later on reach the inside of the bean through osmosis, giving it a pronounced sweetness. During the drying process coffee is turned over constantly to keep the remaining pulp from rotting until completely dry.

Shade Grown

Coffee trees grow naturally under tree shade. These trees can differ in size depending on the region. Coffee producers usually plant different types of trees amongst the coffee plants to keep a natural and sustainable environment.

SHB (Strictly Hard Bean)

SHB stands for “Strictly Hard Bean” (exclusively hard beans). This term is used exclusively in Panama, Costa Rica and Guatemala for a high bean quality and plantation growing height. SHB coffee grows above 1.400 altitude. Higher altitude and lower temperatures make beans mature slower and with a higher density than HB (Hard Beans) giving it an increased quality.

SHG (Strictly High Grown)

SHG stands for “Strictly High Grown” (exclusively high grown) and is used in most of Latin Americas coffee producing countries for coffee grown above 1.400 altitude. Higher altitude and lower temperatures make beans mature slower and with a higher density than HB (Hard Beans) giving it an increased quality.


Thin skin surrounding the coffee bean.

Specialty Coffee

According to the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), coffee earning at least 80 out of the SCA 100 point scala is classified as “specialty” coffee.

Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is an association of companies working with specialty coffees. It was established 1998 in London to represent the interests of coffee traders and roasters. Read more about it at:


Coffee marked as „spot“ coffee is already stored in our warehouse in Hamburg.

Swiss Water Process

Decaffeination process without chemicals. During this process only water and carbon filters are used to retrieve most of the caffeine from green beans.



Coffee marked as “unshipped” already belongs to Rehm & Co. but has been not yet been shipped from the country of origin.


Originating from the Japanese word for “palatable, delicious”, this is a fifth taste direction, besides the four commonly known as sweet, sour, salty and bitter. “Umami” is generally perceived in the throat area especially with foods high on glutamic acid (also known as glutamate), like meat, cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms.


UTZ is a certification program that guarantees sustainable cultivation of coffee, tea, cocoa and hazelnuts. Since 2018 UTZ is part of the Rainforest Alliance Organization. Read more about it at: and



The term “variety” is used as a botanical definition for different species and subspecies. Under species like Arabica and Robusta rank subspecies like Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai or Maragogype, some of them differing through strong characteristics, like the Maragogype and its oversized “elephant-beans”. It is comparable to grape varieties in wine production.



Also known as “fully washed”. It is a process in which coffee cherries are first de-pulped and then fermented in open water tanks. The leftover pulp and mucilage is broken down by bacteria formed in the pool. Later on the beans are spread out to dry.

Washing Station

„Washing station” is the African term for what Latin America calls a “beneficio mojado” or “wet mill”. It is the place where coffee cherries go through the washing process.

Wet Mill

„Wet mill” is the place where coffee cherries go through the washing process. It is also known as “beneficio mojado” and in African countries as “washing station”.