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Blood Orange
Black Currant


AA Top Kiri



Kenya AA Top Kiri


An amazing Kenyan coff ee with sweet and juicy notes of chocolate, blood orange, strawberry and black currant.

Plus 7% VAT

Quick Facts

All the facts about our Kenya AA Top Kiri

Region Kirinyaga County
Producer Kiri Coffee Factory/ Josra
Variety Various
Process washed
Type Washed Arabica
Category Regional
Harvest from November to March
Shipping from February to June
Unit GrainPro Sack à 60kg

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Blood Orange
Black Currant


AA Top Kiri


The Kiri washing station was established in 1997 and rests on a 5 acres piece of land serving
Gitumbi, Kirunyuini, Kerere and Kaboia Villages. Currently it is affiliated to Ngiriambu
Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd and it houses the society head office. The Kiri washing
station is located in Central Province, Kirinyaga County in Njukiini location of Gichugu
Division near Kianyaga town. Its membership currently stands at 1400 which 1200 are active
farmers while 200 are inactive farmers. The area experiences moderate bimodal rainfall of
about 1200mm p.a. with temperatures ranging between 13 – 25 degrees. The long rains fall between March-May while the short rains come between October and December. The area experiences a biennial production cycle with the early harvest being from April-June and the late second season being from October-December.


Specialty coffee from Kenya



Boubon, Ruiru, SL-28+SL-34, K7

Processing methods


Altitude range

1500 – 2100 masl


October - March

Total yearly production

730.000 60kg bags 2022/23

Coffees from Kenya

The first plants came from Ethiopia in the 19th century, but it was not until the beginning of the 20th century that french missionaries introduced the valuable Bourbon plants.

Main production areas: Mount Kenya, Kigumo, Nyeri District, Kirinyaga, Ruiru Region, Kiambu Region

Export bag size: 60kg

Total number of coffee farmers: about 500.000 small farmer – about 500+ co-operatives.

Region Kirinyaga County
Producer Kiri Coffee Factory/ Josra
Variety Various
Process washed
Type Washed Arabica
Harvest from November to March
Shipping from February to June
Unit GrainPro Sack à 60kg
An amazing Kenyan coff ee with sweet and juicy notes of chocolate, blood orange, strawberry and black currant.

The Kiri washing station was established in 1997 and rests on a 5 acres piece of land serving
Gitumbi, Kirunyuini, Kerere and Kaboia Villages. Currently it is affiliated to Ngiriambu
Farmers Co-operative Society Ltd and it houses the society head office. The Kiri washing
station is located in Central Province, Kirinyaga County in Njukiini location of Gichugu
Division near Kianyaga town. Its membership currently stands at 1400 which 1200 are active
farmers while 200 are inactive farmers. The area experiences moderate bimodal rainfall of
about 1200mm p.a. with temperatures ranging between 13 – 25 degrees. The long rains fall between March-May while the short rains come between October and December. The area experiences a biennial production cycle with the early harvest being from April-June and the late second season being from October-December.